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Today’s colorful Tuesday Teaching Tip is brought to us by Transitional Kindergarten teacher and CKA Board Member, Gennie Gorback! Gennie was a recipient of the Audrey Sanchez Teacher Enhancement Award (ASTEA) and used her award to help purchase the supplies for her color mixing station. The deadline for applications is November 1, so you still have time!
Use any variety of containers, test tubes, and droppers to create a color mixing station. I fill measuring cups (from the dollar store) with water and a few drops of liquid water color (you could use water-based paint or food coloring) and test tubes (purchased from Lakeshore Learning). The droppers we use are from a store called the RAFT (Resource Area for Teachers) in Redwood City and San Jose, but you could probably find something similar on Amazon.

For more color ideas, check out:
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