In spring
The trees
Are a beautiful sight
Dressed in blossom
Pink and white.In summer
The trees
Are full of treats
Apples and pears
And cherries to eat.In autumn
The trees
Are red and gold
And the leaves fall down
As the days grow cold.In winter
The trees
Are bare and plain
Waiting for spring
To dress them again.Julie Holder
Review the seasons of the year and their impact on trees with this cute project. The samples in the photo were made using die cut trees, but you could certainly have students tear strips of brown paper to make their own, or give them a blackline tree to cut out, or cut them out by hand for your students. So there are lots of options!
Give your students a 24″ x 4″ strip of construction paper to glue their trees on (or you could use sentence strips). Spacing them out will be easier if you show them how to fold the paper in half and then half again to make four equal(ish) parts. Once they’re glued down, you might want to have them label the trees with the seasons. Then, it’s time to decorate the trees to reflect the different times of the year. In the example, spring is tissue paper flowers, fall and summer are appropriately colored leaves pulled off the mini garlands you can get at the dollar store, and winter is white paint snow dotted on with a Q-tip. Of course, you could always add Q-tip red dots for apples (or other fruit) in summer, or have kids tear construction paper leaves, etc. There’s no wrong way!
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