Spring is in the air and everything’s growing again. Here are some songs that will get you and your students in a spring mood and ready to learn about plants. The first four can be downloaded from Amazon – so you’ll be ready to go right away!
- Oats and Beans and Barley, Raffi – Join Raffi and sing along and make the motions as the farmer plants his seeds, and surveys their progress.
- Each Of Us Is A Flower, Charlotte Diamond – Review the needs of plants with this gentle, sweet song that is quick and easy to learn.
- The Garden Song, Charlotte Diamond – Inch by inch, row by row, practice rhyming while you review the needs of plants.
- The Corner Grocery Store, Raffi – With beans that try on jeans and corn blowing on a horn, the silly rhyming lyrics will have your students laughing while they improve their phonemic awareness.
- Parts of a Flower, (from the album “Kiss Your Brain”, Dr. Jean – Practice the parts of a flower in song.
What songs are you singing with your students to celebrate the arrival of spring? Have some favorites? Please share!
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