Starting to plan for a Transitional Kindergarten classroom? If you have an existing kindergarten classroom, many of the materials will work well in a Transitional Kindergarten as well. However, if you’re starting from scratch, it may be difficult to know where to begin. The California Kindergarten Association, in conjunction with Lakeshore Learning, has put together a list of materials for a Transitional Kindergarten classroom. The list covers all the subjects with plenty of support for the hands-on-learning that’s perfectly geared for this age group.
I am scheduled to teach Transitional kindergarten-kindergarten next year. I have some kindergarten things, but I am at a loss as to what I need for Transitional kinder. I need my materials and information to be aligned with Common core state standards. I am within driving distance of a Lakeshore store. If these items can be purchased there, please let me know what I need.
Thank you,
Peggy Baxter
Lakeshore is a great resource for TK. Remember the Common Core are for mastery at the end of kindergarten not TK. TK kids should be introduced to 10 frames for math. is a good resource for that also. TK needs lots of sensory learning for math and fine motor development. Please check out my power point presentation on CKA TK tab and you can peek into my classroom. You should give your TK children lots of social emotional development through choice time. Development of fine motor skills through art is essential. Playdough and utensils would be great. Gross motor activities have good supplies in Lakeshore.