5 Great Books for the End of the Year
As we near the end of the year there always seems to be so much to do! There’s Open House to prepare for, testing to squeeze in, report cards to write, and end of the year celebrations to plan. It seems no matter how well you prepare, and try to be ready ahead of time; the end of the year is always hectic!
Here are 5 great books that will help you take a breath with your class in the midst of all the end-of-year excitement. Get ready to reflect on and celebrate all the accomplishments of the past year!
[box]1) Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the Last Day of Kindergarten, Joseph Slate
The charming Miss Bindergarten is back, and is getting ready to say goodbye to her class of adorable animals. Told in rhyme, just like the other wonderful Miss Bindergarten books, this is a sweet classic that is sure to bring a tear to your eye!
2) I Knew You Could! Craig Dorfman
This inspiring sequel to The Little Engine that Could is written and illustrated by new people. This story is a sweet way to remind your students how much you believe in them. The Little Engine could and they can, too!
3) A House for Hermit Crab, Eric Carle
This book is an Eric Carle classic, complete with his signature stunning illustrations. Hermit Crab has outgrown his shell, and needs to find a new one. The story follows his efforts to make the bigger shell his own, only to find that while he was perfecting it he has once again outgrown his home. A sweet story of personal growth and embracing change.
4) The Wonderful Happens, Cynthia Rylant
The rhythmic, sentimental text sets the perfect tone for the end of the year! The book starts off with bread, “In a little kitchen/someone butters bread,/ wonderful bread./ The earth grew wheat,/ the wheat made flour,/ and the wonderful happened:/ bread.” Just try to hold back the tears when you read, “the wonderful happened,/ the wonderful is you/ growing like a red red rose” to your class!
5) We Share Everything! Robert Munsch
A bit of comedy to balance the sweetness of our other picks. This hilariously over-the-top teacher gushes sweetness with her constant refrain of, “In kindergarten, we share. We share everything!” Meanwhile, Amanda and Jeremiah decide to share…their clothes! A lighthearted way to review all you’ve learned this past year!
Have a favorite book for the end of the year? Please share!
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