Manuscripts should be between 8 and 40 pages in length and typed in no less than 12 point font, double spaced throughout, and with one inch margins. The manuscript should include a cover page with the title and name(s) and affiliations of the author(s). Also include the name, address, and telephone number of the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed. Page 2 of the manuscript should contain a 50-150 word abstract of the article and its title. The text, including the title, begins on page 3. Each page of the manuscript beyond the cover page should include a shortened version of the title as a running head but no names of authors, in keeping with the blind review process. Pages are to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, starting with the cover page.
Figures and tables are to be numbered consecutively as referred to in the text. The numeral is placed flush left at the top of a table, and the title is placed flush left beneath the numeral. The numeral of a figure is placed flush left at the bottom of the figure, followed by a period and the title or text. Note in the text where the table or figure should be placed, and submit each table and figure on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Authors must obtain permission to reproduce tables, figures, or extended text from published sources and must send a copy of such with the manuscript.
Use footnotes sparingly, numbering them consecutively in the text using Arabic superscript numerals. Place footnote contents on a separate sheet.
Consult the American Psychological Society Publication Manual, 4th edition, for additional format and style guidelines. The reference list, however, should be typed in the hanging-indent format.
Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two members of the VRRA Editorial Board. E-mail your manuscript to the CKA office at Do not send manuscripts that are being considered for publication elsewhere.