The Board of Directors of CKA encourages everyone to make sure and vote your choices for public officials and new policies. As good citizens, we have the freedom, like few other countries in the world, to express our opinions.
After studying and hearing various colleagues speak about the potential of some of the proposals presented in this election, we are encouraging you to look carefully at those that will have an impact on the education of our children and schools. In particular, please consider the following:
Proposition 52: This proposition or measure would
- Continue to use existing fee revenues, as well as matching federal dollars, to help pay for low-income children and families health care.
- Constitutionally exclude hospital fee revenue from the state’s school funding formula.
Proposition 55: This proposition or measure would
- Extend by 12 years the temporary personal income tax increase enacted in 2012 on earnings of $250,000 for single filers and $500,000 for joint filers.
- Allocate tax revenue increases to K-12 schools and California community colleges.
- Allocate up to $2 billion in certain years for health care programs.
Proposition 58: This proposition or measure would
- Remove the requirement that parents of English Learners sign waivers if they want to enroll their children in bilingual programs. This requirement is not applied to other special group of children such as special needs or gifted and talented. Parents do not have to sign waivers to ask tor these services.
- Maintain intensive English instruction for English Learners whose parents request it.
- Encourage school districts to start more bilingual programs where students are jointly instructed in English and a foreign language.
- Would not add any new costs to districts.
The above are just a few notes for each proposition. We strongly encourage you to read more about each one so that you can make your best-informed decisions.