Some of you will be reading this post with a celebratory mai tai in your hand. Some of you will be picking up the ingredients for your margaritas this weekend. And then there’s those last few hold outs who are still down in the trenches for just a little bit longer. Fighting off that summer brain that creeps in this time of year. :)
In light of where we all are, a super easy zero-prep kind of activity seemed appropriate. Memorial Day just passed and Flag Day and the 4th of July are around the corner – so a patriotic theme seemed in order. The example is done on a cheap canvas from Michael’s (remember teachers get 20% off on everything – bring your ID), but it could just as easily be done on construction paper. You’ll need some patriotic foam stickers. Michael’s, Oriental Trading or the good ol’ Dollar Tree should have them. You might want to pass on the ones at Joann’s – you’ll see why later. :(
Have your students stick the stickers all over the paper/canvas. You want to really get them stuck on so the paint doesn’t run underneath.
We had fun spatter painting. And finger painting. And them, just to round it out, we sponge painted all over for good measure.
When it’s dry, peel off the stickers.
Now, remember the suggestion to skip the stickers at Joann’s? Notice the blue left in the star? It’s from the STICKER. They wound up breaking off and remaining firmly stuck on our canvas. Frustrating. And not something that’s happened before. Otherwise, this project couldn’t be easier.
To those already toasting summer – cheers! You’ve earned it. To those still making it through those final days – hang in there!! You’re almost there.
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