[learn_more caption=”Send in your own testimonial”]
[testimonial company=”Kindergartencrayons.blogspot.
This conference was just what I needed. The informational on Transitional Kindergarten was helpful and informative.I can bring this back to my district and help put this into place effectively. Dr. Jean always fills me with enthusiasm and reminds me of why I love kindergarten children. I have been lucky enough to see her numerous times and she continues to knock it out of the park. This conference provided a wonderful opportunity for me to meet up with other kindergarten bloggers I have never met in person and I cannot wait to see them again next year. I loved sharing stories and ideas with others. Sign up and join me for a great experience!
[testimonial company=”Chula Vista, California, 2011″ author=”Nathan Strietelmeier”]
This website has been such a big help. Keep up the good WORK!
[testimonial company=”2007 California Kindergarten Conference” author=”Heidi Butkus, LaVerne, California”]
The first time I submitted an application to be a presenter at the California Kindergarten Conference, I felt that I had very little chance of being chosen. But the teachers at my school kept encouraging me to submit an application. They kept insisting that people would like to have my ideas for using music to teach. I reluctantly submitted some proposals and to my surprise, I was chose to give two presentations. I was soon informed that BOTH sessions were full at 100 participants each! That was when I REALLY started to worry. What if they didn’t like me or my ideas? What then? It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life and the biggest surprise I have ever had! People seemed to love my ideas and they were encouraging. The success I experienced at CKA gave me the confidence to try to present elsewhere and eventually led me to start my own business.
[testimonial company=”San Jose, California” author=”Joan Mancini”]
I just returned from my very first California Kindergarten Conference Presentation. I was thrilled to meet so many dedicated teachers looking for innovative ways to make their curriculum more accessible for all learners. Thanks to all of the wonderful support people that ensured my presentation and booth went smoothly. I look forward to being back next year!
[testimonial company=”Pittsburg, California” author=”Rhonda Beatty-Gallo”]
I no longer teach Kindergarten, yet my heart will always be in Kdg. That is the foundation of all education and our future. We need the best Kindergarten teachers and parents. CKA has always been there for both, giving the very best information, resources, and guidance to teach and reach the kiddos and their families. The conference is only the beginning, but WOW what a beginning it always is! For all the other; newsletters, website, research, we always have access to the most recent and highest quality! The association does the best job educating and supporting us all, and for that I wish to thank them yet again! You truly are educational heroes! Keep up the excellent work!
[testimonial company=”Yucaipa, California” author=”Karen Tuttle”]
Calif. Content Standards CD – I think this is an excellent tool. I have used and saved all the CKA materials I have received over the years, including all of the California Standards printouts. I appreciated the CD format with picture illustrations as well as idea suggestions. I would definitely use additional contenct area CD’s.
[testimonial company=”Monterey, California” author=”Kathy McElroy”]
As part of my job at the aquarium (Monterey) I present at a lot of conference. This was my first time at CKC. It was the best experience – organized, helpful and friendly staff and volunteers, useful presentations, etc. – that I’ve ever had, both as a presenter and a participant.
[testimonial company=”Eastman Ave. Elementary, Los Angeles” author=”Javier Ramirez”]
California Content Standards CD – Thank you CKA for the CD – Activities and Learning Strategies Related to the California Content Standards for Kindergarten. I really enjoyed seeing the pictures and work samples. It’s easy to use, easy to read, understand and follow. I’m very impressed by it! I wish I could have received this at the beginning of last year when I was teaching kindergarten. Are there CD’s available for other grade levels?
[testimonial company=”San Jose, California” author=”Konne Ainsworth”]
Preschool teachers benefit too!
As a prekindergarten teacher and director of a preschool, I have attended several different conferences and presented at several. I think the CKA is one of the best! Very well organized, relevant, professional and the venue is wonderful.
[testimonial company=”Cotati, California” author=”Ruth”]
The website is a good addition to the resources of CKA.
[testimonial company=”Yuba City, California” author=”Obie Leff, Music Educator”]
I have been to two CKA state conferences, as a vendor and as a lunchtime entertainer. From a vendor’s perspective, participating in the conference is not only a great way to reach teachers. It is also an effective way to meet and create partnerships with other vendors. Thank you, CKA!